Almonds from the pleasant delicacies loved by everyone from kids to adults, tastes delicious and scrumptious, it also contains many important benefits for the body, experts advise eating almonds for healthy skin and smooth it softens dry skin and treats stretch marks, it is also used for treating burns, and there are several studies confirm the benefits of almond milk in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system it addresses digestive irritation , It is also very useful in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and kidney infection and address work on the fragmentation of the stones.
The almond is very rich in the element phosphorus acid polyunsaturated oils that soothe nerves and energize the brain and prevent clots, it is very effective in getting rid of neurodegenerative diseases and treats anemia, vitamin d and iron.
When adding ground almonds to the coffee is working on reducing the percentage of caffeine, and almond to lower cholesterol level in the blood and works to relax the muscles and processing paragraphs, almonds are a good source of calcium so it helps build bone.
-Sweet Almonds contain large proportions of fatty polyunsaturated oils, sugar and protein, it also contains varying proportions of vitamin a, vitamin B1, B2, PP, B5, B6 and its percentages of minerals such as potassium and sodium, and because it contains many important and useful elements for the body, we find that it has many health benefits to the body is sweet almond is very important for the nerves and nervous system diseases , As he works to purify the lungs and helps to soothe coughs and eaten regularly helps to cure kidney and burning urine also addresses the problem of burning stomach.
-Bitter almond sweet almond equivalent in great benefits for respiratory disease but should mention something important that bitter almonds contain toxic substance and is cyanide acid must be careful when you eat and not to eat more of it because it may cause serious complications.
Almond is also used to reduce the incidence of heart disease because it works to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body, which is one of the main causes of heart disease, whenever we balanced quantities of almonds dipped in the corresponding risk for heart disease, as it serves to protect the body from harm, it also deals with the almonds also periodontal and oral and save us from pain and also Blues also great benefits in increasing the chances of reproduction and infertility , It also helps the body cope with intestinal worms as it treats allergies and soothes pain headaches and works to strengthen the eyesight vitamin A, raw almonds also gives considerable energy to power equivalent to those of human acquired if eating sugar, but sugar causes significant damage to human almonds gives you activity without harm, raw almonds are also useful in preventing colon cancer, diabetes and obesity.
Benefits of almonds for fitness and lose excess weight and diabetes:
Health and nutrition experts advise anyone who wants to lose weight should eat almonds daily and offer advice also for owners of diabetics, and confirms the specialists that eating almonds with plentiful daily works on regular blood sugar levels and helps the body to produce insulin levels and this causes the comfort and stability of pancreas, almonds help blood glucose concentration and thus helps the body get rid of the fat and reduce weight.
As health and fitness experts stressed that eating almonds help on slimming the body and get rid of excess weight, the almonds as we help reduce blood cholesterol and therefore help to undo weight, most people believe that nuts generally help with obesity and high blood pressure diseases, but it is quite different for almonds kernels, almond if stored for long periods don't crash because the crust maintain this crust in fruit almond helps the body to absorb fat in almonds so Does not absorb fat and expel out digestion which confirms that a very healthy almonds and fruits contain few calories, The almonds helps to avoid the risk of heart disease and works to reduce blood cholesterol and helps the body get rid of excess fat, because Peel almonds antioxidants it contains vitamin e so emphasize that fruits of almond positively affect public health if we eat the fruit with a Brown crust.
The almond is the best sleeve gastrectomy surgery because it gives the feeling of satiety quick contains fiber and protein the multitasking of almonds daily for long periods generated willing fullness as always markedly underweight and not due to increase again, and when addressing his love we chewed almonds until well digested properly and the sense of satiety.
Several health studies have shown effectiveness of almonds on the weight and found that women that have proliferated from eating foods that contain whole grain but peeled her event a severe lack of weight, also proved that the best ways to help avoid the desire to eat is that we are changing and permanent renewal in the foods that we dealt with.
Furthermore so you can lose weight and enjoy the body limber and vital health you with proper diet and helpful at the same time feeder so you can maintain your health.
» Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
» 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
» Move your body to get rid of toxins
» The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
» Benefits of lentils
» Benefits of watermelon
» Benefits of camel meat
Title: Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
Author: Unknown
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Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Almonds from the pleasant delicacies loved by everyone from kids to adults, tastes delicious and scrumptious, it also contains many impor...
Breast cancer is the most common tumor in women, if 90% are benign tumors that only 15% of breast tumors are malignant tumors ' cancer '. In America there are about a hundred and eighty thousand new cases of breast cancer and more than 40,000 deaths from this cancer annually. Us statistics indicate that one out of every eight or 10 women affected by breast cancer.
The cause of the disease:
Because this cancer is unknown, but factors including:
Eating quality.
There are also factors that increase the possibility of the emergence of this cancer, including:
Progress in age.
Pregnancy after the age of 30.
Starting menstruation before age 12.
The persistence of PMS after the age of 50.
Breast cancer occurs when relatives.
Has shown a link between breast cancer and other cancers like ovarian cancer in women, and the fact that 75% of cases the disease does not appear to be linked to any of the factors mentioned.
What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer:
C 1: every lady must be fully informed of the shape and the size and strength of her nipples and examine itself periodically monthly after the end of the menstrual cycle by a few days and must review and inform the doctor once any of the following changes:
1 having a lump in the breast ' painless '.
2 discharge from the nipple, whether mixed with the blood or secretions of bile ' unmixed ' blood.
3 change in color of the nipple skin and the appearance of cracks or shrinkage of the nipple.
4 swollen lymph nodes under the armpit.
5 local pain although most breast tumors are not accompanied by pain.
What is required?
C 2: required by instructions and guidelines for specialized health centres and associations in the field of breast tumors:
1 keep examining yourself periodically every month.
2 check your breasts regularly scans every two years from age of forty to fifty and then annually thereafter.
3 choose a centre with specialist doctors so that follow-up treatment with the same doctors they can review the files and compare annual MRIs, so any change can be detected easily.
1 eat less fat.
2 avoid obesity.
3 eat lots of fiber foods.
4 eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
5 see your doctor when you receive any satisfactory beams on the breast.
6 periodic inspection.
Walking reduces the incidence of breast cancer
Scientific American study revealed that actively walk for an hour or two a week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20 per cent for women, even in the case of use of certain hormones to treat menopause symptoms. The results of the study are based on research data analysis covered more than 74,000 women aged 50 to 79 years. The study found that women who engage in physical exercise is limited for a period of time ranging from an hour and a quarter to two and a half hours per week decreased the proportion of breast cancer by 18 percent compared with inactive ladies. The study results suggest that exercise may reduce the impact of the use of the hormone that leads to breast cancer events but does not eliminate those effects never according to Dr ' Mac ' tizenn principal investigator at the Center for cancer research Fred Hutchinson in Seattle. The study also showed that simple workout start at a later age for ladies going the same positive effects compared with practising sports in the early stages of the age.
Methods of treating malignant breast tumors
C 3: different breast cancer treatment by stage or grade that her patient is diagnosed:
1 breast cancer stage I and II.
2 stage III breast cancer.
3 breast cancer stage IV.
Methods of treating breast cancer with stage I and II.
Tumors in these stages that reduce usually 5 cm in circumference inside the breast with possible lymphoproliferative glands underarm, and two for the treatment:
The first direction:
1 remove the tumor and keep with removal of the lymph nodes under the armpit and giving radiotherapy to the breast.
2 complementary chemotherapy if cancerous cells in the lymph nodes or if the patient in Premenopausal stage.
3 give the hormone treatment especially if the choice of cancer cells to hormonal receptors.
The second trend:
If breast size is small and a large tumor or if the tumor in advanced stage topically it preferred in these cases mastectomy with lymph nodes from the armpit and if the lymph cancer cells give the patient treated chemically and radiologically exposed to hormonal and possibly complement.
Methods of treating tumor by phase III:
This is the tumor in advanced stage tumor of any size the largest spot 5 cm or spread to the chest muscles or skin with possible lymphoproliferative glands underarm. In this case be given chemotherapy before any surgical intervention ' around three sessions ' even reduces tumor size and perhaps in this case the tumor and lymph nodes and to keep the breast and then give the rest of the chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal.
Methods of treating tumor stage IV:
At this stage, the tumor has spread to other parts of the body outside the breast ' treatment will often by hormones the tumor if positive or hormone receptor chemotherapy if the receptor negative, hormones or tumor returned after hormone therapy and sometimes to deal with complications of tumor topically ' tits ' as having sores a doctor forced to intervene surgically or spot beams.
» Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
» 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
» Move your body to get rid of toxins
» The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
» Benefits of lentils
» Benefits of watermelon
» Benefits of camel meat
Title: 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
Author: Unknown
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Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Breast cancer is the most common tumor in women, if 90% are benign tumors that only 15% of breast tumors are malignant tumors ' cancer ...
We've designed our bodies the way that ensures her mobility.
And have lifestyles that require frequent sitting
Many cases of obesity, heart disease and diabetes and infections
Arthritis and depression. It is important to exercise
Regularly as part of your life, whether you want to lose weight or not
. Exercise is not the way to achieve something,
But it is important to exercise throughout your life and be an end in itself.
When you break the toxins and body, hope they leave quickly.
Improved circulation is one of the best ways to do this.
When pumping blood throughout the body under high pressure,
Limbs will be cleaned by new blood supplies reach them.
As that race is a great way to get rid of toxins through the skin
. Thus, the exercise that make you sweat things
To help you get rid of toxins, it is similar to the effect of steam baths.
Make sure you only not running or walking on busy roads
So as not to expose yourself to pollution emanating from car engines.
Reasons for getting rid of laziness and start in animation
• Increase the heart rate,
Hence the heart doesn't have to work at full strength he has to pump blood to all parts of your body.
• Improves blood circulation.
• Aerobics help you restore blood pressure to normal levels.
• Improve blood cholesterol, and reduce the proportion of
LDL cholesterol (LDL) and increase beneficial cholesterol (HDL).
• Increase the ability of the immune system to function.
• Improve the body's sensitivity to insulin and reduce the chances of
To see all recipes for health care click here
Developing diabetes.
• Increase your muscle strength and endurance and determination.
• Improve your balance and flexibility, less risk of downfall.
• Strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints to protect it from damage.
• Reduce the risk of stress and depression.
Several studies have shown that exercise helpful
In treating simple depression; they are like antidepressants.
• Exercise helps you to cope with the pressures they face.
• Improves your ability to sleep.
• Reduce your desire to eat and improve your ability to weight loss when dieting.
• Make you feel you are in good condition.
• Get rid of laziness.
» Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
» 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
» Move your body to get rid of toxins
» The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
» Benefits of lentils
» Benefits of watermelon
» Benefits of camel meat
Title: Move your body to get rid of toxins
Author: Unknown
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Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We've designed our bodies the way that ensures her mobility. And have lifestyles that require frequent sitting Many cases of obesit...
Types of headaches
• Nervous headache: pain ranging from mild to medium severity, affects both sides of the head. And have headaches down the head and there is a sense of pulse and lasts from half an hour to seven days. No headache is accompanied by a feeling of nausea or vomiting to rule out any other causes of pain.
This happens almost daily headaches and the patient often suffers from the pressures of life and were accompanied by a State of depression. And I have found that this type of headache patients eat a lot of painkillers, which is one of the reasons for the increasing and persistent headaches. And in this case treatment depression even if not its symptoms apparent with relaxation exercises and sports. • Cervical headache:
Pain in neck tissues arises in both or one side of the neck and the pain can appear in temporal or occipital region or front. And have pain in most cases in the morning and increases with movement of the neck or screwing nervous and neck movement, both with the bend or limited circulation and accompanied by pain and headaches produce irritation of nerves feeding neck and nerves injection cortisone reduces the incidence of cervical headache. And you can use electrical stimulation of nerves or acupuncture or physiotherapy.
• Headache, nuchal: headache in nuchal down behind the head of the most common types of headache comes in the form of spells of severe headaches and pain continues to moderate between the seizures. Headache and nuchal result of irritation appears occipital nerve small and large and therefore responds to pain drug injection, topical and local injection with corticosteroids. • Sinus headache: is a severe headache and recurrent images so that sinusitis is often chronic.
Weitmizalsdaa, beginning in the morning and disappeared over time in the afternoon and so called headache school because a student complains of headaches in the morning when you wake up and go to school in the afternoon headaches disappeared, do you think that student named complain of headaches don't even go to school. Also called the prayers that headache headaches increase sharply when kneeling or prostrating. And this tends to cause and treatment is a the sinuses giving simple analgesics
• Headache analgesic: perhaps using daily doses of aspirin or alparacetamol or other painkillers to treat headaches could lead to the situation and exacerbate headaches. And use alargotamine to treat headache or stopped using it surprising cause headaches so who advises not to use painkillers daily to treat headaches and lack of medication alargotamine for more than ten days a month and don't use the morphines in treating headaches.
• Headache unrated: there are many kinds of headache cannot be classified under any kind of known species but can diagnose migraine causes that lead to appear like a sport activity or sexual activity or certain types of food or drinks cold or cough or wear something on the compressor head. And tended to stay away from the reasons that lead to headaches.
Cluster headaches: cluster headache is the most common types of headache intensity and severity of pain and knows this type of headache by several names such as migraine or migraine intermittent nerve inflammation and other names that describe how the occurrence of headaches or time or intensity.
Alsvatalchkhisih of cluster headache: cluster headache begins in the late 1920s but recorded medical history for some cases the occurrence of cluster headaches in the early years of age as well as in the 1970s. Cluster headache affects males more than females by up to double.
Headaches come in groups of headaches occur once or twice a year and last spell for two or three months. Periodic considers cluster headaches of major diagnostic signs so that the sessions occurring headache and the duration of the spell almost constant does not vary per person. Unlike migraines, no known introductions because bout headaches either Visual or neurological.
Fixed image for cluster headaches that come in the head but he may change from one hand to another of the head when a new shift.
Headache starts sharp and abrupt manner and increasing pain to pain Summit within ten or fifteen minutes. The pain is located mostly in the eye area and the temple and the patient feels behind the eye and above and below the eye. And last spell pain for about forty five minutes to an hour and the patient describes this terrible pain or unlikely. And this type of headache patient at regular intervals and may occur on a particular day of the week for several weeks.
Due to the activity of a nervous neighbor simbathaui during cluster headache may show some signs of this activity to the patient during headaches such as photophobia, conjunctival eye and stuffy nose and congestion in the area suffer from headache pain.
Clearly believes a patient bout of cluster headaches tense and often leaning his head down and hold head firmly between his hands.
Features of patients with cluster headaches are often sensitive and transparency and success at work and access to objective but always feel insecure. And 80% of patients with cluster headaches from smokers and their previous history in alcohol. It adds difficulty using medicines for those patients that many of them suffer stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and coronary arteries.
Other images of cluster headache:
The traditional image of diagnosing Cluster headaches occur the spell lasts from seven days to one year and away from the Nuba mountains following fourteen days at least and be pain-free period.
1. cluster headache syndrome:
And comes in cluster headaches with neuritis v 0
2. headaches dizziness:
And when the patient feels dizzy during cluster headache and dizziness disappears with the disappearance of headache pain.
3. cluster headache migraine:
This type of cluster headaches in patients with known migraine status.
4. similar to cluster headache associated with injuries to the body:
This type of cluster headaches accompany some diseases such as brain tumors and arteriovenous malformations inside the head.
5. cluster headache associated with head and facial injuries:
And may be a relationship between infection and headaches is unclear. Causes of cluster headaches: increases the pulse temporal artery with increased blood flow after the beginning of the bout of cluster headaches, which means that the infection begins in the nervous system and not the beginning of the blood vessels.
Can summarize the causes of cluster headaches occurring nerve signals across nerve cells begin fifth-level central thalamus of the brain and the result of these signals dilate arteries in the head particularly vasoconstriction. Treatment of cluster headache:
Since the symptoms of cluster headaches so severe that make the patient lives in constant fear of the return of these symptoms after her disappearance and especially if the patient is aware of the cyclical occurrence of cluster headaches. And the fear and terror that has the patient of the possible return of headaches to severe case of depression which may end in suicide attempts.
Includes treatment of cluster headache treatment at the beginning of the Nuba and prophylaxis to prevent cluster headaches and fit as well as interventional therapy right or surgery.
1. inhalation of oxygen:
Result in the inhalation of oxygen through a face mask for 10 minutes to stop a bout of cluster headaches or reduce the severity of a bout of headaches. In order to come to a good conclusion oxygen inhalation must start inhaling oxygen early at the beginning of the Nuba mountains so oxygen cylinder must be associated with cluster headache patient and ready to use. 2-alargotamine:
Akaralargotamine remains the strongest and most influential in the treatment of cluster headaches. Inhalation leads alargotamine to stop a bout of headaches especially if inhaled within five minutes into the spell. When the alargotamine property is used under the tongue is influential in 35% of patients within four to nine minutes in 65% of patients within ten to fifteen minutes, ranging from the side effects of using alargotamine from nausea to vomiting, numbness in the limbs to boil the contractions muscles legs to no mental focus the most serious contraction of coronary arteries with angina. 3-hidrwargotamin debt:
This real estate availability from intramuscular and intravenous giving opportunity to speed absorption and performance 0 and considered by the work of an unknown property in detail and supposedly works on the central nervous system, particularly during the middle of the cerebellum.
4. local anesthetics:
When topical anesthetics sprayed on the mucosa of the nose it gives positive results in sharply off a bout of cluster headaches. It uses real estate allidokine 2% or 10% cocaine. 5. alkortisonat:
While the injection of 30 mg of drug albridnison IM give in response azimhevi pain treatment of cluster headaches may extend to ten days or more.
6. pain medications: some head pain continues after the disappearance of the bout of cluster headaches, which may require the patient to palliative medicine to treat pain in the head. But it is known bout cluster headaches last about 45 minutes and it is not recommended to use medicines after the disappearance of Nuba.
Prevention of cluster headaches: for cluster headaches so severe pain and the length and periodicity of occurrence the treatment tends to prevent the spell and low intensity when it comes using a lot of drugs and may give a single drug or a combination of more than one medication as the patient's response to treatment and severity of pain occurs when a bout of cluster headaches include this medicines drug oral alargotamine and drug hidrwargotamin and drug lithium Dey and drug indomethacin.
It uses the property as a indomethacin personified early cases of cluster headaches if responded to treatment within 48 hours of the drug indomethacin.
» Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
» 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
» Move your body to get rid of toxins
» The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
» Benefits of lentils
» Benefits of watermelon
» Benefits of camel meat
Title: The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
Author: Unknown
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Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Types of headaches • Nervous headache: pain ranging from mild to medium severity, affects both sides of the head. And have headaches down...
What are the benefits of lentils
Composed in lentil nutritional value of 28% protein, and 58% carbohydrate material, 1% fat, and also full of minerals.
Lentil plant is healthy foods that give energy llansa, contains a large value of vegetable protein.
Lentils by high calorie so it helps human growth and strengthen the body.
The best way to eat lentils are to have soup and eat in the introduction.
If you eat lentils with Peel is very useful for those who have weak nerves where it improves the nervous system.
Lentil filled with iron, which helps the body to make hemoglobin and blood booster to increase healthy body, and calcium helps children grow.
If a human ate vegetarian lentil meal without rice or bread, he retrieved his body protein meal full and rich.
For those suffering from constipation then Peel if eaten lentil soup through it healed them.
Benefits of lentils:
1 contains high protein necessary for body building
2 contains many vitamins, especially vitamin b composite
4 plays an important role in strengthening the nervous system
5 assists in strengthening bones and teeth
Helps strengthen blood
7 Peel lentils are useful for combating constipation
8 useful in increasing the weight helps to prevent necrosis of teeth
9. It also contains some minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamin a.
10. the most striking aspect of the benefits of lentils in a high content of fiber, less intestinal absorption llkolistr
11.-eat lentil soup prevents cancer
Benefits of lentils for heart disease and diabetes
Latest research and studies in the field of nutrition, to add lentils and legumes, generally, to food, protects the heart and reduces the chances of suffering a crisis and serious health problems.
Researchers found that the risk of men and women who are checking to eat legumes, lentils, four times weekly, coronary heart disease over 19 years, was down by 22 per cent, compared to Duloxetine to once a week.
They noted after medical examinations for healthy American non-9600 with heart disease, the blood pressure readings and cholesterol overall when people who love lentils and pulses,
Less than others, and their vulnerability to diabetes or arterial hypertension.
Lentil is one of the most expensive and richest legumes whatsoever in nutrients, it is equivalent to the protection in terms of nutritional value,
But more in some ways because it contains carbohydrate and protein and albumen and fat too, these elements make the amount of lentils do not exceed 50 grams gives 333 calories, therefore recommended as a staple to make muscle effort.
Experts that lentils also contain calcium, phosphorus and iron, which serves to strengthen bones and teeth, blood and nerves,
Peel also helps to combat constipation and diuresis and to address cases of anemia and anemia, explaining that it is not suitable for patients with obesity and vulnerable intestinal and stomach diseases, liver and kidney, and gallbladder
» Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
» 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
» Move your body to get rid of toxins
» The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
» Benefits of lentils
» Benefits of watermelon
» Benefits of camel meat
Title: Benefits of lentils
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
What are the benefits of lentils Composed in lentil nutritional value of 28% protein, and 58% carbohydrate material, 1% fat, and also ful...
Watermelon is sweet and gorgeous taste away from words, but slow down passer-by, qualities and benefits many melon once you hear about the benefits of this fruit light will
Your always.
1. watermelon fruit moist and low calorie
Must be your favourite fruit all summer, every 100 grams of these fruits in return only 30 calories and the amount of water that
Make you more infused within the rest of the day and this will reduce the amount of food or drink that would even hides things that should not be dealt with from the list
Food such as chocolate.
2. fruit rich in antioxidants
Talking about the benefits of melons that will make you jump out of your seat bring your wallet and scroll down to the supermarket and get one you know that taste
Used as therapy and as an antioxidant and vitamins that your body will find great benefit from them and I'm talking about vitamin A, E, C and beta krwatinalti
Conduct your money through supplements and vitamins are chemicals from pharmacies.
3. it's great for the heart
And through the benefits mentioned in the preceding paragraphs of this makes eating watermelon successful strategy and great for reducing the risk of heart disease
Cancer where antioxidants to activate cells and extremist radicals and prevent many diseases may occur and this makes melons
Great from all sides.
4. it will give you more energy
Vitamins B1, B6, adding to the list of vitamins that comprise those fruit are will help you refuel the energy and building new muscles
It will make your body if the attention and will keep you active when relay aerobics.
5. a precious source of magnesium and potassium
The following interest of watermelon that has enormous capacity to rebuild levels of potassium, which is very important especially in summer when sweating
Thickly lose much of the salt from our bodies and melon goes also magnesium would be perfect if you experience muscle spasms.
6. melon helps lower blood pressure
And known as a wonderful source llsitrolin. The body generally produces a substance that helps lower blood pressure when nervousness or tension. watermelon isn't a piece of
Fruit you can eat and enjoy, but scientists at the University of Florida has proven that eating watermelon regularly will help you avoid high blood pressure
And persistence. Are you satisfied of the benefits of this fruit.
» Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
» 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
» Move your body to get rid of toxins
» The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
» Benefits of lentils
» Benefits of watermelon
» Benefits of camel meat
Title: Benefits of watermelon
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Watermelon is sweet and gorgeous taste away from words, but slow down passer-by, qualities and benefits many melon once you hear about the...

» Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds
» 5 symptoms that indicate breast cancer
» Move your body to get rid of toxins
» The benefits of knowing the causes and types of headaches and treatment
» Benefits of lentils
» Benefits of watermelon
» Benefits of camel meat
Title: Benefits of camel meat
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Eating camel meat, even with a small amount and in intermittently gives to human body health benefit because this combination meat food a...