Benefits of lentils

What are the benefits of lentils Composed in lentil nutritional value of 28% protein, and 58% carbohydrate material, 1% fat, and also full of minerals. Lentil plant is healthy foods that give energy llansa, contains a large value of vegetable protein. Lentils by high calorie so it helps human growth and strengthen the body. The best way to eat lentils are to have soup and eat in the introduction. If you eat lentils with Peel is very useful for those who have weak nerves where it improves the nervous system. Lentil filled with iron, which helps the body to make hemoglobin and blood booster to increase healthy body, and calcium helps children grow. If a human ate vegetarian lentil meal without rice or bread, he retrieved his body protein meal full and rich. For those suffering from constipation then Peel if eaten lentil soup through it healed them. Benefits of lentils: 1 contains high protein necessary for body building 2 contains many vitamins, especially vitamin b composite 3-diuretic 4 plays an important role in strengthening the nervous system 5 assists in strengthening bones and teeth Helps strengthen blood 7 Peel lentils are useful for combating constipation 8 useful in increasing the weight helps to prevent necrosis of teeth 9. It also contains some minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamin a. 10. the most striking aspect of the benefits of lentils in a high content of fiber, less intestinal absorption llkolistr 11.-eat lentil soup prevents cancer Benefits of lentils for heart disease and diabetes Latest research and studies in the field of nutrition, to add lentils and legumes, generally, to food, protects the heart and reduces the chances of suffering a crisis and serious health problems. Researchers found that the risk of men and women who are checking to eat legumes, lentils, four times weekly, coronary heart disease over 19 years, was down by 22 per cent, compared to Duloxetine to once a week. They noted after medical examinations for healthy American non-9600 with heart disease, the blood pressure readings and cholesterol overall when people who love lentils and pulses, Less than others, and their vulnerability to diabetes or arterial hypertension. Lentil is one of the most expensive and richest legumes whatsoever in nutrients, it is equivalent to the protection in terms of nutritional value, But more in some ways because it contains carbohydrate and protein and albumen and fat too, these elements make the amount of lentils do not exceed 50 grams gives 333 calories, therefore recommended as a staple to make muscle effort. Experts that lentils also contain calcium, phosphorus and iron, which serves to strengthen bones and teeth, blood and nerves, Peel also helps to combat constipation and diuresis and to address cases of anemia and anemia, explaining that it is not suitable for patients with obesity and vulnerable intestinal and stomach diseases, liver and kidney, and gallbladder