Everything you need to know about the benefits of almonds

Almonds from the pleasant delicacies loved by everyone from kids to adults, tastes delicious and scrumptious, it also contains many important benefits for the body, experts advise eating almonds for healthy skin and smooth it softens dry skin and treats stretch marks, it is also used for treating burns, and there are several studies confirm the benefits of almond milk in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system it addresses digestive irritation , It is also very useful in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and kidney infection and address work on the fragmentation of the stones. The almond is very rich in the element phosphorus acid polyunsaturated oils that soothe nerves and energize the brain and prevent clots, it is very effective in getting rid of neurodegenerative diseases and treats anemia, vitamin d and iron. When adding ground almonds to the coffee is working on reducing the percentage of caffeine, and almond to lower cholesterol level in the blood and works to relax the muscles and processing paragraphs, almonds are a good source of calcium so it helps build bone. -Sweet Almonds contain large proportions of fatty polyunsaturated oils, sugar and protein, it also contains varying proportions of vitamin a, vitamin B1, B2, PP, B5, B6 and its percentages of minerals such as potassium and sodium, and because it contains many important and useful elements for the body, we find that it has many health benefits to the body is sweet almond is very important for the nerves and nervous system diseases , As he works to purify the lungs and helps to soothe coughs and eaten regularly helps to cure kidney and burning urine also addresses the problem of burning stomach. -Bitter almond sweet almond equivalent in great benefits for respiratory disease but should mention something important that bitter almonds contain toxic substance and is cyanide acid must be careful when you eat and not to eat more of it because it may cause serious complications. Almond is also used to reduce the incidence of heart disease because it works to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body, which is one of the main causes of heart disease, whenever we balanced quantities of almonds dipped in the corresponding risk for heart disease, as it serves to protect the body from harm, it also deals with the almonds also periodontal and oral and save us from pain and also Blues also great benefits in increasing the chances of reproduction and infertility , It also helps the body cope with intestinal worms as it treats allergies and soothes pain headaches and works to strengthen the eyesight vitamin A, raw almonds also gives considerable energy to power equivalent to those of human acquired if eating sugar, but sugar causes significant damage to human almonds gives you activity without harm, raw almonds are also useful in preventing colon cancer, diabetes and obesity. Benefits of almonds for fitness and lose excess weight and diabetes: Health and nutrition experts advise anyone who wants to lose weight should eat almonds daily and offer advice also for owners of diabetics, and confirms the specialists that eating almonds with plentiful daily works on regular blood sugar levels and helps the body to produce insulin levels and this causes the comfort and stability of pancreas, almonds help blood glucose concentration and thus helps the body get rid of the fat and reduce weight. As health and fitness experts stressed that eating almonds help on slimming the body and get rid of excess weight, the almonds as we help reduce blood cholesterol and therefore help to undo weight, most people believe that nuts generally help with obesity and high blood pressure diseases, but it is quite different for almonds kernels, almond if stored for long periods don't crash because the crust maintain this crust in fruit almond helps the body to absorb fat in almonds so Does not absorb fat and expel out digestion which confirms that a very healthy almonds and fruits contain few calories, The almonds helps to avoid the risk of heart disease and works to reduce blood cholesterol and helps the body get rid of excess fat, because Peel almonds antioxidants it contains vitamin e so emphasize that fruits of almond positively affect public health if we eat the fruit with a Brown crust. The almond is the best sleeve gastrectomy surgery because it gives the feeling of satiety quick contains fiber and protein the multitasking of almonds daily for long periods generated willing fullness as always markedly underweight and not due to increase again, and when addressing his love we chewed almonds until well digested properly and the sense of satiety. Several health studies have shown effectiveness of almonds on the weight and found that women that have proliferated from eating foods that contain whole grain but peeled her event a severe lack of weight, also proved that the best ways to help avoid the desire to eat is that we are changing and permanent renewal in the foods that we dealt with. Furthermore so you can lose weight and enjoy the body limber and vital health you with proper diet and helpful at the same time feeder so you can maintain your health.