Benefits of grapes and apples

Benefits of grapes What are the benefits of grapes? Contained a high proportion of fast sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) which provide the body an instant card. And of course the diabetics and obese people to take heed of the excessive eating grapes because most fruits rich in sugar. – Grape contains a coterie of good vitamins including vitamin a, b, c, BB, and his last role in strengthening capillary wall. – Recent studies revealed that Peel grapes contain a chemical compound important significance in halt aging and protect against a number of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and dementia disease INKA. – Found in the grapes a good percentage of minerals, especially potassium mineral which protects against high blood pressure, and metal reinforced calcium for bones and iron needed for making red blood, metal alsilinion, which prevents arteriosclerosis and cancer is. – There are grapes good amount of dietary fiber to prevent constipation and reduce the cholesterol level in the blood, and in regulating blood sugar levels, and help get rid of harmful substances and waste. – Found in grape fruit acids useful in ensuring the smoothness of the skin and get rid of dead skin cells. Benefits of apples Benefits of apples Fruit apples taste delicious is present almost all year and types and benefits of many many more types of Green Apple Apple utility and all kinds of apples are rich in vitamins a, b, c and the Apple contains acids and inorganic metal salts such as potassium, calcium and sodium it also contains sugar, fat and protein materials Apple protects the heart and Tessen VTE Recent studies have shown that eating a cup of green apple juice or eat an Apple from it reduces alkristrol in the blood of the antioxidants it contains Apple prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries and increases the beneficial cholesterol in the arteries, which helps remove fatty arterial wall plates and Apple also restricts blood clots and heart attacks Apple to lose weight Doctors advised nutrition eating apples all kinds of weight loss and weight maintenance also because Apple contains natural fibres that give a feeling of fullness without adding calories in the body of Then, Apple does not cause constipation Benefits of apples to prevent sugar and press People who eat apples a day less than have the chance of diabetes 28% of those who laitnaolonho the apples are rich in soluble fibre which helps to control blood sugar level and unite the fiber found in apples with fat in the intestine, thus leading to lower cholesterol so it works on non hypertension Apple protects bone Apple has an element of heathland and is working to strengthen bones also contains flavonoid component Apple it protects women from osteoporosis in menopause and help Apple in preventing arthritis and Rheumatology addresses Apple treats colds Apple eases the pain associated with cold and calms coughing and relieves fevers and works to remove phlegm and facilitates the secretion of salivary gland and improves breathing _ Strengthens the immune system of Red Apples contain antioxidants _ Eat more apples helps the body get rid of toxins through the liver _ Apple lowers the risk of cataract on an eye Also redeem Apple in Azzaba kidney and ureters and activates aalamaaa and saves the teeth of licorice and keeps Apple on skin and increases the activity of women as Apple enters the installation regardless of the medications