7 exercises ineffective and risky

There are many people attending various physical activities and exercise a prostitute whom access to target is the slim body and good health, but sometimes some of us practiced aerobics were unaware that this was the way that the exercise by exercise is wrong or incorrect, and do these exercises suitable for this person or not, who does not want me to others, we must before engaging in any sports activity to make sure that this exercise is suitable for my body and my age and my health. There are 7 things sports if the person exercised and wasted time is totally ineffective, and worse still, it's risky and may harm our health and strength of our bodies, the wrong practice had inevitably to HIV exposure come to learn together on this so we can avoid risks: First command: -Drop down behind the head: Some people used the shoulder joints so train the backbone but when you do this movement incorrectly can lead to collisions or worse it can be by wrong movement that affects the cervical. Drop down front of machine head: This is the safest method is to use the machine drop-down front sports head and turn back a few degrees and use fists wide angle parallel to the shoulder and drag down and to the top for stability in the body and this exercise will meet the muscles of the upper back. Second command: -Lifting weights and iron up and down behind the head and this exercise can cause the same problems as doable, machines drop down behind the head. -The safest is to keep lifting weights in front of the head, meaning that stand upright while lifting weights in front of the Palace and not behind the head and can also practice this exercise in sitting position. The third command: -Pull the weights and iron under the Chin directly and this is dangerous because it can press on nerves in the shoulder area and affect the safety of the shoulder. -Safest is lifting to the front or to the sides of the body and arms spread. The fourth command: -Squatting down by the weight of the device and considerable weight, this is dangerous as it compels the body that is under serious positions, plus there are some people tend their feet before their bodies when you develop on the device and that squatting may make things worse. -Security alternative in this case is that it is not necessary to use weights when doing squats, we do straight with bend the bottom of the body and maintain alignment back in a position as if you were going to sit in a Chair and be bending at the knee angle of 90 degrees without carrying any weights and then slowly return to a standing position. The fifth command: -Do exercise to reduce fat from a specific area of the body such as the thighs or abdomen or buttocks, and this is wrong because you cannot isolate fat loss to one part of the body. -To exercise generally maintain cardiovascular health, it also helps to burn calories and helps increase muscle mass and increase your metabolism so you burn more calories at a time until the exercise workout. The sixth command: -Weight belt is always on the abdomen, a lot of people wearing belts weight most of the time, but this is wrong, you should wear only if you have a back injury or other medical cause, continue to wear the belt weight might cause the later muscle relaxant. -This solution is wearing a belt weight if necessary only. The seventh command: -Wear the wrong shoes at the time of exercise, improper shoes for exercise, exercise can cause injuries in joints and can lead to injuries such as Tendonitis. -Solution as experts say is appropriate shoe choice for activity by, and these shoes are purchased from shops specialising in selling shoes.