Rules of mother's nutrition during breastfeeding

When the child becomes has special dietary needs should know and add to the food, and the day after, depending on the needs of the fast growing child. The composition of human milk entails another important elements such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, and all vitamins. Getting daily food needs mother also steadily growing child that needs of children aged one month of calcium requires double the normal pain needs it, so you must multiply the quantities of calcium you eat during breastfeeding to ensure only barge child calcium found in the bones of the mother and the best way to provide the mother with this element is eating a cup of milk a day. Another element that should be available is iron, a food must contain a daily l-18 milligram of iron, and confiscation are eggs, vegetables, beans and grains. Increasingly, the needs of the mother of the child grew, the more vitamins increased the amount that one breastfeeds the child from the mother's milk, they need vitamin a, and vitamin b, and available in abundance in yeast or wheat germ, need nursing to vitamin d to help calcium absorption and access to children, and cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamin a, d and must therefore be used during pregnancy and lactation, it helps the proper use of calcium and phosphorus, but doesn't actually sing them. Also, vitamin b 2 of the most important vitamins for children and increase the ability of the mother to bear the burdens of pregnancy and lactation, breastfeeding should also deal with adequate amounts of water to suit what you give baby milk contains large amounts of it, improves address nursing a glass of water on an empty stomach and before each eat before bed, this is usually a healthy comfortable easy to remember. As well as improves eating a cup of hot milk between feedings, and has been scientifically proven that every mother as long as they are not sick can breastfeed for four months and that 95% of mothers can breastfeed for about 8 months, which is the minimum period necessary for breastfeeding, and should at the same time understand that milk glands in the breast is sensitive to neurological effects, insomnia, fatigue, digestive disorders, these are all adversely affect the secretion of milk.