A variety of successful diet recipes

Always looking for the all-new world of dieting so we can access the most successful recipes to get rid of excess weight, find successful recipes and find recipes returned fail when executed, so it is a problem of concern to us all is that we get a successful recipe for us to lose weight so you brought together a collection of recipes and proven successful as a way of getting rid of excess weight. Celery cucumber diet: Such as natural and at the same time a very healthy option and celery vegetables that we eat are often as or through dishes but do authorities tried to turn those vegetables into juices, we need a healthy diet, these plants if turned into juice will contain significant benefits when you attend eating the proper amount of these vegetable juices will get a better result at accursed and we will work to strengthen the immune system and we help build cells Celery juice juices rich in nutrients as it contains vitamin a, b 1, b 2, c, b flzek considered this vegetable juice is very useful for people who suffer from food shortages. Cucumber juice is juice option is the main ingredient in weight or at least maintain weight increase, the cucumber juice from General tonics for vascular, cucumber juice from fruit juices, which controls to maintain blood pressure and cardiovascular health, when eating cucumber juice daily in the morning you can loss weight. Celery juice and option: When you mix cucumber juice with celery juice, we therefore get very special recipe for getting rid of excess weight are very practical, proven method for weight loss recipe is as follows: -4 sticks of celery leaf. -Small piece of option. -2 tsp fresh minced ginger plant. -1 lemon, peeled. We mix these ingredients and we beat her well in a blender then filter and drink them every morning will help us a lot to get rid of excess weights, you should keep in mind that when a certain diet to get rid of excess weight, so this system is healthy and useful it must turn away from drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages , And not eating meat cold and eat sugar and baked goods that are made from white flour. Grape juice: Grape juice from most juices which has great influence on building our bodies, using grape juice as an effective way to get rid of the excess weight of the individual is not infected condition diabetes, when eating grape juice we lost many calories a condition that does not address any other foods, must we turn grape juice for cooking so no fermenting, when addressing unsweetened grape juice we will fill the appetite and can resist our appetite. Banana diet: Banana diet is one of the most accursed types interactive with weight as it contains alkolistokinn as this hormone hormone sends signals to nervous to tell him that the stomach is full and should refrain from eating foods and diet banana is one of the most successful recipes because it improves digestion and metabolism as it gives a feeling of fullness because it contains a significant proportion of starch , As it will prevent the absorption of certain kinds of carbohydrates. We can sum up the table to eat banana recipe as follows: -Breakfast (fruit banana – 1 cup lukewarm water) -Lunch (250 grams chicken breast grilled or boiled skinned + potato boiled) -Intermediate light meal when our hunger anything simple -Dinner (Cup yogurt + five fruits peach + Apple) but we must address this meal before 8 pm We when we banana breakfast helps greatly to burn calories and also help to stimulate the metabolism, and helps us to resist our appetite for it reduces excessive intake of foods throughout the day. it when you stay away from eating drinking coffee and tea at breakfast cause considerable stability in the level of sugar in the blood and helps to resist the appetite, failure to eat after 8 pm helps reduce feelings of wanting to eat any foods rich Calories or contain high percentages of fat, to stay away from dairy products or products containing candy reduces calories dramatically, the banana also gives the feeling of satiety and fullness because it contains fiber and potassium. However, there diet or specific diet we can get him to a big loss in weight without exercise, aerobic exercise is one of the most important things that help us decrease our weights and also for better health for our bodies we must exercise, and also one of the most important causes of water to lose weight, our bodies need 8 glasses of water a day as a minimum but if banana diet we can address at least 12 cups a day and especially on summer days, the body These days requires the body to greater quantities of water, the water also helps to speed up the process of digestion. Note: We must before to follow a diet or a certain type of dieting that first consult specialist so that we confirm the validity of this system to the nature of the body so as not to adversely affect our health.